

Our Publications

P.M. Chronopoulos, T.P. Tassios
Retrofitting of RC columns with inadequate lap splices, by means of external confinement
SMAR 2013

Panetsos P., Charalampakis M., Astrinidis E.
Strain monitoring of post-tensioned bridges using Optical Fibre Bragg Grating sensors
paper (greek)

Emilios M. Comodromos, Mello C. Papadopoulou, Ioannis K. Rentzeperis
Pile foundation analysis and design using experimental data and 3-D numerical analysis
Computers and Geotechnics 36, 2009

Astrinidis E., Egglezos D.
Instrumented Strain Monitoring of the Acropolis Wall with Optical Fiber Sensors – Comparison of the Measurements to the analytical predictions
3rd Panhellenic Congress of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology
Athens, November 2008
paper (greek)
paper (english)

Tsamasfyros G., Koulalis E., Kanterakis G., Furnarakis N., Astrinidis E.
Structural Health Monitoring of a Metallic Railway Bridge using Optical Fibre Bragg Grating Sensors and Numerical Simulation
15th National Conference of the Hellenic Society for Non-Destructive Testing
Athens, November 2005
paper (greek)
paper (english)

Astrinidis E., Fenner R.T., Tsamasfyros G.
Elastoplastic Analysis with Adaptive Boundary Element Method
Computational Mechanics
Athens, 2003

Astrinidis E., Fenner R.T., Tsamasfyros G.
Adaptive two Dimensional Elastoplastic Boundary Element Method
5th National Congress on Mechanics
Ioannina, August 27-30, 1998

Astrinidis E., Fenner R.T., Tsamasfyros G.
Adaptive Mesh Generation for Two Dimensional Elastoplastic Boundary Element Method
Recent Advances in Mechanics
Athens, 1998

Astrinidis E., Fenner R.T.
Adaptive discretisation for the boundary integral equation method in elasticity and elastoplasticity
II International conference on computational structures technology
Athens, 30th August -1st September 1994 ed. Topping B.H.V., Papadrakakis M.